Troubleshooting Common Issues With Dart Guns

Common Issues

The dart didn’t inject all of the medicine

Check to make sure that the medicine chamber is filled completely and there are no air bubbles. Saline, Vitamin B or other veterinarian approved liquid may need to be added to ensure the proper function of the most crucial function of the dart, the injection of the medication. The chamber needs to be filled with liquid so that no air is in the chamber during detonations or there will be resulting issues..

The dart cracked upon firing

Clear Dart’s plastic housing is capable of handling extreme pressures when handled appropriately. Always visually inspect your dart before loading into the gun. If the dart was handled correctly and stored in an appropriate container but still has visual cracks choose another dart and report to Clear Dart support.

Check the dart gun’s air pressure to make sure the chamber air pressure is not turned up too high or left open completely.

If you are using .22 Cal charges the green and brown are used normally and the yellow may be too powerful, potentially cracking the dart. Also, visually inspect the inside of your barrel daily by holding into the light to ensure no build-up.

The dart cracked upon impact

Clear Dart’s plastic housing is capable of handling extreme pressures so something went wrong in the process. Check the meds to make sure they are not too thick or cold to properly travel through the needle into the subject. A smooth injection from the dart requires a thin viscosity of liquid through the ports in the needle. If your meds or the temperature of the liquid prevent the flow of the liquid there will be problems.

The dart doesn’t reach the intended target.

Check your dart gun configuration prior to going into the field. Make sure the chamber is charged to somewhere around 10bar as a starting point for testing. Make sure supply is full, turned on and airflow is not inhibited. Also, make sure the gun’s barrel is very clean and free from obstructions. Clear Darts require more chamber pressure and a cleaner barrel surface than standard darts due to their universal design so an adjustment may be required.

Darts bounce out even though the shot was good?

The main reason the dart may bounce out is that the dart was not shot with enough velocity and the gel collar was not able to penetrate and lock under the skin. If using a Model 178 pump gun try a few more pumps within the manufacturer’s specification. There is also a possibility that a dart gun’s chamber pressure could be turned up too high and cause a bounce out but this could be visually identified as a problem.

How To Clean and Maintain Your Dart Gun